When you think about effective sales strategies I am sure scheduling isn´t the first thing that comes to your mind. It is probably more about having a good target, a streamlined sales process and great email templates. These are all important things and necessary to have success in sales. Now imagine having the possibility to only focus on these things – the actual selling part. Leave the planning of your calls to Vyte. I am happy to show you how!
Give your potential customers scheduling power while still being in control of your own schedule
A big advantage of Vyte is that people can see your calendar without actually seeing your calendar.
Wait, what?? 🤔
Let me be more clear. They will see your schedule but not what you are doing. How does that work? Well, Vyte gives you the ability to create your personal meeting page (Vyte Page) which looks like this:
It also comes with your personal URL. Mine is https://vyte.in/matti, yours could be https://vyte.in/smartperson – you get the idea 😉
When your potential sale now clicks on “Pick 2 dates or more” (this is customizable) a calendar window opens up showing your calendar. But instead of the actual event name, it only shows “Smart Person is busy”.
The viewer of your schedule now sees your busy events (grey), the proposed times (blue) and it even is possible to overlay the viewers calendar with yours. So they can check their own availability and also yours at the same time.
This way you give your potential customers the power to decide themselves when they want to spend their time doing a sales call with you. I am sure this only can have a positive impact on their decision to buy your product 👌
People can book me? How do I stay in control?
The answer only needs one word – availabilities. With Vyte you can set them and make it impossible for others to book you when you are not available.
Want to get in your daily morning run? Sure, just set your availability so that nobody can book you before 10. Friday afternoon is reserved for the family? Again, no problem! It has never been this easy to show your true availability. Most people don´t put EVERY life event on their calendar. With Vyte you now have an easy way to block the time you need for yourself.
Advanced settings for a more effective sales process
As you can see above in the screenshot of my Vyte Page, I have some default places in there. First, my Skype account where most meetings happen and second my favorite restaurant. You can do the same! There is no need anymore to always type your phone number or the preferred account. People see directly on your page where they can reach you and vote on what fits best for them. This saves you hours every week where you can call (and close!) more people.
Do these things sound like they can help you with your ability to create a more effective sales process? Well, it sure does for me! 💪
Create now your Vyte Page for free!
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