More than 60% of our blog visitors are using Google Chrome. My teammates and I are part of them. At this point, Chrome is just the most sophisticated and fastest browser to use. Plus it offers tons of integrations to improve your browser experience even more. So In this post, we show you the best Chrome extensions to boost your productivity while browsing the web.

Are you a tab messy like me? If yes, Toby should be one of the first extension to install. It lets you save all your tabs and organize them within easy to use lists. You can also save complete sessions and reopen them at a more convenient time. On top of that, you can also use a powerful search in case you can´t remember the exact URL or name of the page.
All in one, Toby managed to become one of my most used tools within Chrome – so try it!

Do you keep forgetting stuff because of short interruptions or stress at work? Or did you ever opened a website and by the time you saw it you forgot what you wanted to do? If so, Mindful is a great solution by supporting you with every new tab. A stunning document opens which invites you to just write. This can be ideas, notes or ongoing tasks – these will be saved with your Google account. So they are available right with every new tab.

I personally always need some form of sound while working. Music is sometimes too distracting, so I tried background noises and it worked surprisingly good! Noisli lets you create your own combination of sounds and will let you set up a timer as a way to track your work. This way you get the “coffee shop feeling” while sitting on your own desk. Great, right?!

1Password is probably my most used extension. They are my key to almost anything. I saved all my logins and credit cards in there, so I never have to type them in again. This way it also allows me to create harder passwords because I don´t have to remember them. If you are signing up for a new service, 1Password lets you generate a password and saves it automatically in your vault. The vault is secured by login code of your choice. Or your fingerprint if you are in possession of one of the new MacBook Pros 😉

Last but not least we have our very own Chrome extension. Vyte is the best way to schedule meetings. Gmail and LinkedIn are both places where a lot of connections are happening – so why not connecting Vyte with these services? We did. With our Vyte integration you can easily schedule a meeting right within Gmail and LinkedIn. Just click on the Vyte button and you´ll find a pre-filled event with all the participants. All you have to do is to add place and time and then you are set!