Inboxes full with meeting requests are unfortunately pretty common these days. Especially for customer facing roles. Instead of going through your emails and your calendar you actually want to spend time on these meetings to gather as much feedback as possible. So what is the solution?
Your personal Vyte page
The Vyte page offers all the functionality you need to manage all your incoming meeting requests without much doing of yourself. Your main work is done when you have set it up correctly. This contains adding your availability and more additions like your Skype or Hangouts account. From there on, people can easily book you without you worrying.
Since your main work is done now – what is next?
Sharing your Vyte page
When you want people to book you over your Vyte page, they have to know about it. Luckily they can reach it right over your personal page link. Mine, for example, is (Pro tip – add your meeting duration to your link: You can share this link via email or any other channels to get people to your page.
Since most communication is still happening over email, a very good practice is to add your page to your email signature. You can do that by using a catchy slackline like “Wanna talk? Book me right here!” or you can also add a nice looking button which leads to your Vyte page.
We are also offering to embed your complete Vyte page into your own website. This way people can book you as soon as they are landing on your very own space. All you have to do is to add some code to your website. We will write more in detail about this in an upcoming blog post.
What are your best practices to share your Vyte page? Let us know!
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