vyte.in PRO enables you to plan a meeting, showing your brand and adding your own background picture. All of your further invitees will be able to see your vyte.in’s new look with these new items.
A. Set your brand to showcase and plan a meeting
Go to your vyte.in PRO user account and select “settings” in the drop-down menu (top-right of the page)
1. Check the “show your brand” box to enable the feature. A new window displays to help you showcase your brand.
2. Choose a subdomain (ex : mycompany.vyte.in) and send this custom link to people you want to plan a meeting with. They will see your brand new vyte.in‘s look.
3. Upload your own background picture (1440×943 px). It will replace your original events page and vyte page’s one
4. Set your logo (118×39 px) and the corresponding link
B. Ready to plan a meeting : show your brand-new vyte.in account
Once you set your brand new vyte.in, you are now ready to organize your events, showing your brand.
1. Share the previous link you created, after you defined a subdomain (ex : mycompany.vyte.in)
Your invitees will see your whole vyte.in‘s new look, if you plan a meeting with them.
Here is a true example with THIGA : thiga.vyte.in
2. If you’re already set your vyte page, your invitees will see the same logo and background picture as in “THIGA”
Let’s have a look on my vyte page for example. Here are the logo and backgroung picture I chose to showcase my brand : vyte.in/johan
You’re done. Please leave your comments and let us know if this tips was useful for you.
Get vyte.in PRO to plan a meeting, now.
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